
A simple country girl with a different way of thinking at times. never be suprised at what comes from me.

Location: hugo, oklahoma, United States

Im a simple country girl that is a bit nontypical

Sunday, June 07, 2009


Well we wrapped up one more bike rally of the season this morning. I was up and packed down by 8 am ready to make the venture back home. I headed out before everyone else, wasn’t really feeling in the social mood. The longer I ride the more I like riding alone, never dreamed I would say that. Its amazing how life changes as time goes by and how your outlook on the world evolves with time. Never would I have thought that I would be happy being alone but there is a certain sense of peace that comes with solitude that I cant get any where else. The ride home was wonderful, it was 3 hrs of windshield time that I really needed. A person can do some real soul searching up on two wheels riding in the morning air. Anyone that’s never been on a bike can not comprehend what that actually means.
Friday evening we rolled into camp and got set up and went down into the rally to listen to some good music and have a “few” drinks and partake in all the festivities. Always lots of fun with the wonderful friends that I keep the company of. Sat morning I woke up about 6 thinking I could get to the shower house before everyone else and have some warm water. Well there was a cpl people already there but warm water was not the issue. The water was hot enough to blanch a chicken I swear and I didn’t think the cold water was working at all until all of a sudden that’s all that was coming So needless to say the shower sat morning was nothing shy of an experience. Well got on the road bright and early and headed west to meet up with my riding partner. When I got to the gas station I made a cpl new friends. Riding a bike puts you into a whole different world than the rest of society. Bikers I have come to learn can be some of the friendliest and nicest people you will ever come to meet. a lot of times I will get tickled at peoples reactions to bikers. Grant you I know some are mean and some are bad, but just because we wear leather and ride a motorcycle does not mean that we are going to rob or kill you. Chances are a biker will stop on the side of the road to help you before anyone else will. Anyway enough about that, it’s a topic I can easy get on a roll about these days…ok well back to my lil story. Finally the black ultra comes rolling into the parking lot, right then and there I knew it was going to be a good day. Its been a few months (9 months and 5 days if a person was counting) since I chased the black ultra and as any and everyone that knows me knows I have missed it a great deal. Just a bit of info for any one that’s still clueless, the owner of the black ultra is none other than tumbling dice. Well we loaded up and headed out. He had told me about the famous meers burgers now for a long time, and finally had the opportunity to go check it out. Cpl hrs later we arrive and lucky enough there was no line yet, yet being the key word. Oh and FYI to anyone that don’t know. If your ever in search of the best food in town, all you have to do is look around and see where all the bikers go. A rule of thumb about bikers. Never ask a biker directions if you want the fastest route but if you want to know where the best food is, he is sure to point you in the right direction.
Well we get in and have a wonderful meal, both of us end up stuffed like a dog tick but hey its a meers burger, what do ya we head out to do some sight seeing, and manage to see a few buffalo which I thought was pretty neat. During this lil ride I was having flash backs of our Colorado/Utah vacation last summer. I spent about 12 days in total aw of what I was smack dab in the middle of. I saw things that I thought a person could only see in a movie. So by the time we got to the base of MT. Scott Saturday I was almost in with drawl. Then we made the climb to the top and I looked around and knew right then this is where the balance of life is. Doing something I truly love, on my scooter that would be parked in my house if the door was big enough, with company that is beyond compare seeing some of Gods most beautiful creations. How can that not be the balance of life?
Well I took my pictures like I always do, I love looking back at them remembering the epic journey that took me there. I honestly think I have more pictures of my bike than I do of my boy. When I got finished looking at it all we loaded back up and headed back north. The wind had been awful all day, but that’s kinda par for the course with us. If we could have a ride and it not be windy, I think it would just confuse We fought it for a good while then decided to stop for some water and rest a bit. We set and cooled off and talked for a while, kinda got caught up a lil on what has been going on the last few months. It has always amazed me how the simplest things can give me such a good feeling, another balance in life. It comes to different people in different ways, mine being a lil odder than most folks I think, but hey that’s what makes my mop flop so be it..well we finish up and I find out that will be our last stop before we part ways one more time. So I get my hug before I mount back up and head out….lil ways down the road our paths split like they always seem to do and we go in total opposite directions, but I know its ok, one day our paths will cross again.
When I got back to camp I checked my mileage and saw we had managed to put 250 miles under the tires in the sun that day and I was pretty tuckered out from fighting the wind. I went to the tent and rested for a lil while before everyone came back to camp for the nights festivities. I wasn’t feeling like the social butterfly that most of the camp is use to me being, but I was in my own lil world and it’s a nice place to be at times. I called it a night around midnight or 1 with no drinks involved and plans of getting up early and heading to the house.
All in all it was a great weekend. I was with my wonderful friends and was allowed to tag along on another journey, not much more in life a person can ask for.
To all my fellow riders
Be safe

And to those in the 4wheel community
Please watch for the bikes. This is our passion
Please help keep us safe.

May God bless each and everyone one.

Thought of the day:

Even though we’re far apart…your always in my heart!

Gem ;)


Blogger BKS said...

wow just happen to stop by and you have a new post.....hope my okie friend is doing well!

1:39 AM  

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