
A simple country girl with a different way of thinking at times. never be suprised at what comes from me.

Location: hugo, oklahoma, United States

Im a simple country girl that is a bit nontypical

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Joys of baseball and allergies

Well i have woke up this morning batteling the dreaded sinus and allergy problems I have. Its just part of my life and something I’ve dealt with all my life, but that don’t make it any more fun. The good thing about today, its wed and we are on the downhill slide. I hope that today is as beautiful as yesterday was, I am so ready for fall. I was able to get in two miles of walking yesterday, it should have been more but I waited just a little late to get started. Unfortunately I probably wont get to walk this afternoon, we have another baseball game so ive gotta get to feeling better so I can set back and cheer my little man on. Think ill try and get some pics of him this evening if I can and ill post them so everyone can see who the most important man in my lfe is. Its hard to believe how fast they grow up, never take a day for granted with your children, there are never enough days and they pass by so very fast . I want to send love out to all my dear friends, I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Try and stay positive and make the best out of what is sent your way.

Thought of the day:
Precious moments live on in our hearts.

Gem ;)


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