
A simple country girl with a different way of thinking at times. never be suprised at what comes from me.

Location: hugo, oklahoma, United States

Im a simple country girl that is a bit nontypical

Friday, November 24, 2006

Little picture and a cross word

Well I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving. Mine went pretty well. My uncle came by on his bike and told me to get dressed that I was going with him. Well I wasn’t going to turn down a ride on his bike and knew he wasn’t going to be gone to long so I figured what the hell. We made it into town and his clutch cable broke. So we happened to be on a little hill and he managed to get the bike started again and he was like, ok girl there is no stopping Well we made it to the church where everyone had gathered for dinner. This is my dads side of the family but it seemed like I didn’t know anyone there. Lots of new additions in the family that I had never met, needless to say I’m not close to that side of the family anymore. Well I was as guilty as the next for eating way to much for dinner, but it was sure good.

Today has been a lazy day for me, but most of the week has been as far as that goes. I did manage to build another fire on my stump I’m trying to burn out and cleaned the porch and got it swept off, so the day wasn’t totally unproductive. I was in a very “good” mood and got to talk with “tumbling dice” earlier today. But with my good moods also come a bit of well how do I put it, I can get aggravated quite easily as well. He says I pout and maybe I do, just part of me and my personality I guess. I tried to explain to him that if he would just give me what I want then I wouldn’t pout, seems pretty simple to He didn’t buy into it though.
None the less, I still love him dearly and hope he don’t get to irritated with me. Some days I could beat him, but know that tomorrow I will want to kiss it and make it better.

I was going through my email tonight and ran across some really interesting things. I’m going to share a picture that I got and thought it was so adorable and wanted to show you guys. This is actually a picture that caused a few cross words Well I hope everyone enjoys my little picture, I guess I will wrap it up for the evening.

Thought of the day:

May your day be
Bright….and all that
Is good shine upon you.

May God bless you all

Love ya Sir!

Gem ;)


Blogger BKS said...

Now I have NEVER known YOU to pout haha. Glad you had a nice dinner with the family. Tell Bruce to be a bit easier on that clutch :P

6:31 PM  

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