
A simple country girl with a different way of thinking at times. never be suprised at what comes from me.

Location: hugo, oklahoma, United States

Im a simple country girl that is a bit nontypical

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

Well I want to start off with telling everyone Happy New Year, I’m sure I wont be around to bring it in being I have to work in the morning, oh well so goes life. If I would have had it my way, I would have spent it with “tumbling dice” himself and Ms. Nicole. But that’s not the way it happened to work out. I was able to spend some time with them this weekend however, it was really great as always. I do want to thank you guys for the gift, it was greatly appreciated.
I would also like to send thanks out to BKS for the comment on my last posting. Its really nice to have feed back from time to time. I only have a couple of regular visitors and they are not what a person would call I also want to thank you for giving me a few guide lines and some helpful tips on writing, I’m still not much count, but love it as much as i always have. It is a wonderful way for me to express my feelings. Believe it or not, I am not the most talkative person and don’t really have a lot of outlets to express what is always on my mind and this is truly a great way of doing it.
Well I guess I will draw this to a close. I hope everyone has very safe and happy New Year.

Thought of the day :

May you have all the Happiness
And Luck that life can hold-
And at the end of your Rainbows
May you find a Pot of Gold.

May God bless you all

Love ya Sir

Gem ;)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Lost soul

One day God will look upon me and lend a helping hand. Until then I shall wonder through life like a lost soul looking for a way back in

by Gem

In the quite of the night she sets alone
Not sure where her life has gone
So many years she wasted on a love that was wrong
Now she waits for a man that is cold as stone.
This is a love unlike none she has ever known
Sometimes his wisdom chills her to the bone
His true feelings for her is still unknown
Why is it so hard to move on.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas

Well it is officially Christmas eve now, and why my ass is not in bed is a mystery to us all I guess. This has not been the best of Saturdays for me, but hey the last 5 or so have really sucked also, so should be getting use to it by now. I learned something new last night, it seems that being open is grounds for being told I f*** up. I personally have always thought of that as being a positive thing, but guess that’s what I get for thinking. But non the less, that is how I am and that is how I will always be. If its on my mind it will come past my lips. Ok enough with the whining about that, it is said and done and nothing will change it now or how I have been viewed for saying it.

I do want to share a little picture with you all. This was taken at our Christmas party at work last week. This is the gang so to speak. If you have been reading my blog posting, you will recognize the faces. The girl in the back with dark hair is the wife of one of our friends, her name is Sandra. The rest is Vickie and Terrie setting on Santas lap and then Debbie standing with her big head in front of We had a wonderful time and I was lucky enough to be drawn for a door prize and it happened to be $50.00 in cash, not to shabby if I do say so myself.
Well I finally got all my gifts wrapped tonight and ready to go. I guess me and my son will go to Durant tomorrow night when I get off work and spend Christmas with my mom and sister and my nephew. Maybe we can be in the same house for a few hours without getting in some sort of fight. It seems the older I get the more trouble I have getting along with my mom. I think one problem is as I get older I don’t hold back my tongue like I once did
I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. If I get some pictures taken I will be sure and share one or two with you all.
Well guess I better call it a night. Morning will come way to soon.

Thought of the day

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot
change, courage to change the
things I can, and the wisdom to
know the difference.
-reinbold niebubr

May God bless you all and keep you safe during this joyous holiday season.
Please don’t forget the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate it.

Hold your family and loved ones near and never take them for granted, for this moment maybe our last to hold them. Always let your loved ones know you love them.

Gem ;)

Tears in heaven

Artist: Eric Clapton
Album: Clapton Chronicles: The Best of Eric Clapton 1981-1999
Title: Tears in heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong
And carry on
'Cos I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way through night and day
I just can't stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down

Time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please

Beyond the door
There's peace I'm sure
And I know
There'll be no more
Tears in heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong and carry on
'Cos I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.

Friday, December 22, 2006

untitled poem

by Gem ;)

Before him she stands with tears in her eyes
Unsure why she puts herself through the pain
A heart so full of love it could fill all the skies
A spirit so weak she is going insane

Will the madness ever end
And allow her life to be whole
Her feelings he don’t seem to comprehend
As she loves him with all her soul

His mind is filled with doubt
As he protects his heart from being broken
He thinks all she does it pout
He hears all the words that have been spoken
Yet her love holds no clout.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Good morning

Well nothing to really say this morning. Christmas is almost here, is everyone ready? Everything at work is going very smooth considering, its very busy but flowing well. I just wanted to stop in this morning and say hi. I have a little poem I wanted to post. Its not one I wrote but I still think its a nice piece of work and wanted to share it with all of my two regular
I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

May God bless you all and keep you safe.

My Heart

My heart takes flight
When I gaze into your eyes
My soul soars higher and higher
In amazed delight
All that I am, is all there for you
You take me higher
Then I ever knew
I could go
Dreaming of placing my soul in your hands
Remembering in wonder
How I strove to meet your commands
Wanting to please you again and again
Waiting in bliss to hear your demands
Never release me
My Master, my Love
You so complete me and make me feel loved
Two halves that were searching
Have now become one
A melding so complete..
It shall never be undone
I promise to give you my heart, mind, body and soul
Together we two will always be whole.

I miss you Sir, hope to see you soon ^:)^

Gem ;)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Seduce my mind and you can have my body, Find my soul and Im yours forever.

Well its Sunday night and I should have already been in bed. The weekend has came and went but I have to admit it was a rather productive one. What sucks is I didn’t want it to be a productive weekend, I wanted to be a lazy bum. The holidays are about to kick my ass at work, I am so very ready for Christmas to be over. I went to Durant to my moms this weekend and me and my sister ended up laying ceramic tile for her. Fun fun joy joy, for sure not a profession I will ever be guilty of having. But we got it done and I guess my sister is going to do the grout for her sometime this week. Well me and mom and my boy ended up going shopping today in Sherman. It just reminded me how much I really do not like people. I did get most of my Christmas shopping done however. I have known for a while what I was going to get, just had not broken down and done it yet. Well I had already spent a number of hrs with my mother and I know from experience this is never a good idea. A visit is fine, extended stay is not a good plan. Well needless to say we ended up getting into a fight and I was ready to get home by mid day today. What drives me totally nuts is the fact that I will probably talk to her tomorrow or the next day and it will be like nothing ever happened. Have yet to figure out how folks can do that. I can get beyond things but very seldom get totally over it, at least not over night. But none the less, she is my mom and I do love her, just don’t like her ways sometimes. But its all said and done with and life goes on.
I was fortunate enough to speak with “tumbling dice” a bit on Saturday, far from what we normally talk. I got around Saturday morning and was in the shower getting ready to go to moms and my freaking water just stopped. Well I am in the country and guess what, I have a well. So here I am with conditioner still in my hair, what a lovely sight that is, with no water. So I get out and get some clothes on and go gallivantin down to the well, thought maybe I might see something that don’t look exactly right. Well I did happen to find some ants inside the pressure switch cover. So I go to the electric pole and flip the breaker and go back to the well and knock the ants from around the electrical hook up. And by the way if anyone can tell me why ants and lady bugs will go to electricity please feel free to enlighten me. So I go back and turn the breaker back on and make it back down to the well. Needless to say it’s a pretty good ways between the two. I get there and the pump is not running or making any sound, so I figure its more than something I can do so I get a hold of my uncle (dads side of the family, I get a long with them much better). A pain in my ass, but have to admit he really takes care of me, I love him to death no matter how much he irritates me. Well I’m sure by now you people think that I cant get a long with anyone. That does hold a little truth, but not Well he brings his little meter to see if electric is getting to the well and sure enough it is. Then he pushes down on the pressure switch and the pump kicks on. He is like girl you have water. So I go and check and well he’s right, water I do have. Felt like a total idiot for not checking it like that to begin with. I guess what happened, the ants had it shorted out and when I knocked them off it kicked in and cycled before I made it back to the well. So all was well with the water.
Well I ended up making it home fairly early today, after my fight with mom of course, and was able to talk with “tumbling dice” a little more extensive tonight. We did have some very good conversation and have to admit it was a little eye opening. He had told me earlier in the evening that “your going to open your eyes”. well a few things was discussed that have been needing to be now for a long time. Topics that I tend to side step because I don’t want to deal with the reality of how he feels about them. He has never hid his feelings about anything and this is a trait that I truly admire. I do wish he was more accepting of some things that are in my life, but he has never pretended to be and I’m sure never will be. All I ask is for him to understand its going to always be there to an extent and there will come a time and place it will have to be dealt with to a certain degree. Its really not a bad thing at all, but I do understand his reasons. Anyway I do love you regardless and just pray you can be open to “all” of me one day.
I have a little writing that I read from time to time that may seem odd to many folks. I generally tend to be a little reluctant to share it with anyone, for most people just don’t understand it at all. A couple of years back I have to admit I would have called anyone crazy that showed me this. But my eyes have been opened to many things in the past couple of years and I do have a greater understanding of who I am. Well anyway I think I will share this with you guys. Everyone is entitled to there own opinions of the topic, just beware of judging something if you don’t have any knowledge of it.

I Am a Submissive Woman

I am a submissive woman. I find pleasure, joy, and fulfillment from being submissive to another in a loving relationship. I am not weak, or stupid. I am a strong woman, with firm views and a clear concept of what i want out of life. I do not serve out of shame or weakness, but out of pride and strength. I look to my loving Master for guidance and protection, for never am i more complete than when He is with me. I know that He will protect my body, my mind, and my soul with His strength and wisdom. He is everything to me, as i am everything to Him. His touch awakens me and His thoughts free me. Only in serving Him do i find complete freedom and joy. His punishments are harsh, but i accept them thankfully, knowing that He has my best interests always foremost in His mind. If He desires my body for pleasure, i shall joyfully give it to Him, and take pleasure myself from knowing that i have brought Him happiness. However, the pleasures of the flesh are but one facet of any relationship. The love, the trust and sharing, the words spoken and felt, those are all parts of this relationship. My body is His, and if He says i am beautiful, then i am. No matter what i look like to others, i am beautiful in His eyes, and because of that i hold my head high....for who can tell me that my Master is wrong in seeing the beauty in me??? If He says i am His princess, then i am that...regal and graceful, and if i see laughter at me in the eyes of others, i do not regcognize it, for who are they to call my Master wrong??? If He says i am His toy, His tramp, His slut, then i am wanton and dirty as He wants me to be, and if others do not see this, then it is they who are blind, not my Master. My mind is His, to expand, to explore, to know as only He can. I have no secrets from him...for secrets are a thing that would keep me from being more perfectly His. Secrets would put a wall up between my Master and myself....and i do not want walls. His lessons are not always the ones i would seek on my own, but they are lessons He has decided i need, and so i learn from Him. My souls is His, as bare to His touch as ever my skin could be when i kneel naked at his feet. Never a moment goes by when i do not feel His presence, be He miles away or standing over me. If i were to ever displease Him, His displeasure would be a blow to my soul, worse punishment than any lashes could be. The anguish of my soul that i feel when i disappoint Him is harder to bear than any physical anguish i feel when His belt caresses me with fire. I spend my days knowing that the energy and thought He puts into our relationship is as much for my benefit as for His, and look forward to each lovingly crafted scene that W/we do together. His part is much harder than mine, and i know this and am grateful that He cares enough about me to spend His time and energy so freely on me. I have the easier job: to feel, to experience, to let myself go and abandon everything to him. I am His pleasure and His responsibility, and He takes both seriously. I am a submissive woman. I am proud to call myself that. My submission is a gift that i do not give lightly, and can only be given to one who can appreciate that gift and return it tenfold. Only to He who has the strength will i give myself fully, because i am strong and proud. I am a submissive woman.

Respectfully taken from _nicole's page.

Well take it for what its worth. You don’t have to agree or disagree with it, just a little something I wanted to share tonight.

Aw and how can I forget the thought of the day

A friend is someone who
reaches for your hand….
and touches your heart

God has a way of making everything right in due time. I was told by a wonderful friend one time
God has a plan and he don’t need our help.

“This is my comfort in my distress, that your promise gives me life”
-Psalm 119:50

My God bless you all and keep you safe

With all my love to you Sir,

Gem ;)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

10-1 and some unconditional love

Well I had planned on giving a nice big report of all that’s been going on the past few days, with ballgames and such. I have been a little under the weather and still don’t feel real good, so I’m just going to hit the high spots. We had a ballgame on Monday night and we won. Another one on Tuesday night and it was a really good game. Went into overtime and we came out on top by 4. That puts our record at 10-1 for the season. One thing I do want to speak of is a letter that I was so very honored to get to read. It was written to “tumbling dice” from his 17 yr old daughter. It was so very sweet and I know it had to mean so much to him. I would love to share it with everyone but will not do it without his permission. I hope he holds it near and dear to his heart. Sometimes I think he questions the meaning of life, but last night it was very apparent what one of his purposes in life is. He is a very good man in his own way. Far from being typical of other people, but that is one of the things that makes him a great person. He is loved by many people, I hope he keeps sight of it. I told him tonight that it was one of my many “jobs” to keep him reminded..
Well anyway I am going to call it a night. Had a little trouble waking up this morning. Will be glad when I get back to 100%.

Thought of the day:

I will not just live my life.
I will not just spend my life.
I will invest my life

-Helen Keller

God bless you all

Gem ;)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'm with you

Well I don’t really feel like doing much blogging right now but I want to post another song I fond of. Maybe I will come back later and talk a little.

Artist: Avril Lavigne
Album: Let Go
Title: I'm With You

I'm Standing on a bridge
I'm waitin in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't someone please take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you

I'm looking for a place
searching for a face
is there anybody here i know
cause nothings going right
and everythings a mess
and no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't someone please take me home
It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you

oh why is everything so confusing
maybe I'm just out of my mind
yea yea yea

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you

Take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...

Gem ;)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

An awesome game and foolish games

Well the ballgame ended up being awesome. The final score was 33-30 in favor of us. We was the first team to defeat this school and our boys have only been beaten once and that was in the 8th quarter, yes went into 4 overtimes and only lost by 3 pts. I’ve said it once and sure ill say it again, we have some kick ass boys that play ball. Well still nothing much to report I guess, tomorrow is Friday J but then it’s the weekend L not always such a joyous part of the week . Me and my mom have not been on good speaking terms all week and it don’t seem to be getting a lot better, and me and “tumbling dice” haven’t been clicking along real well the past several days, talk was better tonight but not to sure how I feel about it. I’ve had a lot of mixed emotions with this fuss that I’m not sure I have had in the past. Today was especially odd, had been feeling pretty numb for the most part but some really major events took place at the school his daughter attends and it was like scalding water thrown in my face, reality of the fact that I still have so many feelings in their direction, concerns that I guess are pretty much not warranted from me, but its like I cant help it. They really do mean so much to me, the feelings are just not mutual and that makes life difficult at times. There has been a point in time that I really thought there might be a chance of being more than friends, but every time I have that notion, he inadvertently changes my mind. I’m very thankful for his friendship, don’t get me wrong, I just have a lot of feelings for them that are much deeper than just friendship and in a way I am torturing myself emotionally with the situation. But anyway its not a topic that I can dwell on, I’ve done that way to much as it is and its only brought a few grey hairs and many tears and not accomplished a thing by it, so anyway one more day comes and passes pretty much like the last 3 yrs have. He brought up the fact that for the most part my life is in some sort of turmoil most of the time, whether it be from the direction of my mom, work or him and sometimes all of the above….I guess I cope ok with it most of the time, I’ve not lost my mind yet anyway and actually have some pretty rational thoughts from time to time, so guess it could be worse.
Well guess I should wind this down. I would like to share a set of song lyrics with you guys tonight. Its not a new song, but one that I have downloaded onto my mp3 player. it’s a very awesome song that feels familiar at times

Artist: Jewel
Album: Pieces Of You
Title: Foolish Games

You took your coat off and stood in the rain
You were always crazy like that
I watched from my window
Always felt I was outside looking in on you
You were always the mysterious one with dark eyes and careless hair
You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
Then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
Besides some comment on the weather
Well in case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see
This is my heart bleeding before you, this is me down on my knees
These foolish games are tearing me apart
Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
You were always brilliant in morning
Smoking your cigarettes and talking over coffee
You philosophies on art, Baroque moved you

You loved Mozart and you'd speak of your loved ones
As I clumsily strummed my guitar
You'd teach me of honest things
Things that were daring, things that were clean
Things that knew what an honest dollar did mean
So I hid my soiled hands behind my back
Somewhere along the line I must've gone off track with you
Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn, somebody more like myself
These foolish games are tearing me apart
You're tearing me, tearing me, tearing me apart
Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
You took off your coat and stood in the rain
You were always crazy like that

Thought of the day

You give me wings
Of gladness and
Lend me spirit song.

-Sydney Russell

God bless you all and keep you safe

Gem ;)

Ho Hum

Good evening, well I have been slacking just a bit on my blog here lately. We have a ballgame again tonight but thought I would drop in and write a line or two. don’t really have a lot to write about, nothing good is going on in my life right now. Maybe something will trigger some brain waves and I will have something at least half ass interesting to talk about…
Till then

Gem ;)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Today I died to be reborn tomorrow!

Well the weekend has come and gone one more week. It was very quiet, my boy was with his dad all weekend and mom stayed home. We are getting closer and closer to the Christmas holiday and I cant wait for it to just be over. Its really sad how society has made such a joyous occasion a money making business.

Well not in the best of spirits tonight so think I will call it good.

Thought of the day:
Many joys may come
And go…but
Friendship last forever!

God bless

Gem ;)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Just a poem for the day

Where do I go from here
By Gem

Last night because of you I cried
Last night because of you part of me died

With a death always comes a life
But into my world it brings such strife

You are the man of my dreams
You are the man for whom my heart sings

To you I would give the world and more
But for you to cope with me seems such a chore

I try my best to be mature
I guess my faults are more than you can endure

I can not continue to beg for your affection
When all I seem to get in return is rejection

I have gave to you my heart, body and soul
But my spirit has taken such a toll
I wonder if my life will ever be whole