
A simple country girl with a different way of thinking at times. never be suprised at what comes from me.

Location: hugo, oklahoma, United States

Im a simple country girl that is a bit nontypical

Sunday, October 29, 2006

How can anything so simple be so great?

Just wanted to stop in and say hi so all of my two regular visitors don’t think I’m dead or I was fortunate enough to spend the weekend with my “tumbling dice”. we didn’t do anything at all productive but it was a wonderful weekend…well I’m very tired tonight so I’ll keep it short. I do want to share a little poem I’ve written, its not very long but is very personal and words could not have any more truth.

By Gem

What a grand feeling it is to look upon your face
When I take you to another place
All your worries seem to vanish without a trace
As I settle into your warm embrace.

Oh and cant forget the thought of the day

Keep praying, but be thankful that God’s answers are wiser than our prayers!

All my love out to “tumbling dice”

My God bless you all

Gem ;)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Little of this....little of that

Good evening to you all. It seems that Wednesday is rapidly coming to a close and I can say so far its been a decent week. It was good for me to get back to work. Life has settled down a bit for me one more time and that is always a plus. Basketball season has started up, we had our first game Monday night. The boys done really well, we have a very talented group of young men. They are just great athletes in general. Really good in baseball and they do very well In basketball as well. Blake is second string guard and post and I was impressed with how he handled the ball Monday night. Basketball is not his strong sport but he does ok. Well its going to be a busy winter I guess, we have another game Thursday night, life of a mom, its great.
Well I am really kind of struggling with the blog tonight, I guess I don’t have anything to bitch and gripe
about tonight which essentially is not a bad thing at all…lol..

Well I wanted to write a poem, but words didn’t flow to well tonight. I did come up with a couple of things and thought I would share one with you tonight…its nothing to grand, but at least its original and always from my heart.

In my arms I long to hold you near
Kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear
Words of good fortune and promises of sweet cheer.
Letting you know I will always be near.

by Gem

I will close with the thought of the day
May God bless you all

Happiness is like a kiss.
You must share it…
To enjoy it.

Love out to my “tumbling dice”

Gem ;)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Unanswered questions

As it drifts into the evening hours of a Sunday afternoon, I’m setting here listening to some really awesome original music. Its always a pleasure to hear, but sometimes it reaches a little deeper into my soul. Today and basically the entire weekend has been wasted away. I will be glad to go back to work tomorrow actually. My mind has been doing way to much drifting and thinking for its own good the past few days. It takes me back to a time in my life that I wish not to visit. It has been a cool day, guess that fall has finally arrived. This is one of my most favorite times of the year, but it seems the cold today has kept me chilled to the bone. Maybe tomorrow I will wake up in a different state of mind and I can get my life back into its normal routine and feel like I have a place and purpose. I have been looking for it today, but yet to find it still. It was pointed out that I am basically doing it all to myself, which I guess might be true, I just have to pray that tomorrow will being a brighter day. It never fails to amaze me how I let emotion control every part of my being. Well I will not continue to whine about how things are not going how I wish they would, for I know it is very unbecoming of anyone. A lady I always try to be, but sometimes I fall and find it difficult to bring myself back to my feet.

I hope everyone has had a blessed weekend. I’m going to close it out with a little bit I wrote. Maybe it can be called a free form poem, I’m not really sure. That is not an area that I am real versed on. Its just a bunch of mumbo jumbo basically that floats around in my head that I put into words and attempted to give form.

A love so true

By Gem

In the depths of my soul lays a love greater than most men have ever known.
The ultimate gift that so many never have the chance to experience.
How do we choose who we give this precious gift to.
What makes one person superior over the rest.
So many questions and so few answers.
Why can we not choose who our heart loves
When will I realize it will never be appreciated and given back in the ways it should.
A gift so precious must be cherished and cared for
Tended like a garden and allowed to prosper and grow into the most beautiful love ever seen
Anyone that is ever been offered such a wonderful thing should honor it with all his being
Because a love so true is not meant for just anyone
A love so true is only meant for you.

You know I will always love you unconditionally with all my heart and soul. the question is do I have the strength to cope with you?

May God bless you all

Gem ;)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

He that plants thorns must never expect to gather roses.

Good afternoon one and all. Hope everyone is having a grand weekend. As I projected last night, mine is jacked up, but hey at least I expected it. I managed to set up till about 1:30 or 2 am this morning dwelling on life and how goofy I must be. Of course came to the same conclusion that I always do, I don’t understand anything about life. This is very disturbing for me, I am one that has a great desire to understand any and all that goes on. I feel like everything in life has a reason and a purpose for being the way it is or happening how it does. Well up until this point in my life, I have had very few things that I felt totally in the dark about. I have always been able to make some sort of reason out of about anything, and if I couldn’t, I didn’t feel like it was worth the time and effort. I have been told many times that I’m spoiled. To this I have always disagreed. Yes I did get a lot of things when I was growing up, but I never asked for much that I didn’t need. I’m not a materialistic type person, I’m very content with living a simple life, but on the same hand when I do make up my mind I want something I tend to be very hell bent on making that happen. Well I am not being very successful in that area at the moment either, so there for the words spoiled seem to come to mind. Is it a matter of being a brat and being mad cause I cant get what I want, or is it a matter of being so head strong that I am bound and determined to get what I want and I leave no room to compromise. No matter which one it is, it seems to be getting the best of me. If I thought I could throw down and have a temper tantrum I feel pretty confident I would have done that last night. But I’m realistic enough to know it would do no good at all. I have never ask for much of this situation, especially once I had a true concept of it all. But I guess asking anything at all is to much. So that being said, its apparent that my company is not desired. This brings on a somewhat uneasy feeling, not sure what has happened to make it undesired, I guess one day if I am lucky, I might know. I have always done any and everything in my power to be desired so it gives me a feeling of failure when my best is not enough. Trying to explain it and figure it out has not seemed to work for about 2 yrs now, not sure what makes me think I’m going to have some sort of revelation today and it all be clear. It would be nice, but obviously is not going to happen. I have already shed to many tears about this all and one day my tears will run dry. I saw a nifty little saying one time, something to the affect “ nothing dries sooner than tears.” one day I will be rejected one time to many and will be callused so it doesn’t hurt anymore, then I will be able to walk away. When that happens there will be no turning back. I am either all or none, there is no in between for me. The blisters seem to be a little less each time and my skin is thickening. I know this could be the most wonderful thing to ever happen in my life, and I am confident enough in myself to know that I do and will love beyond what most have ever experienced, but if it is not accepted then all have lost. We are put on this earth for only a short time. Some of us complete our missions sooner than others and pass on to a greater place. None of us know when our work on earth will be done and life is to short to live it in solitude. For some this is a safe place, no love then no chance of pain. I have not yet found the ability to not love and not care. When I was “made” up, they threw a little extra compassion in to my mixture I think. Some say its not a bad thing, but sometimes I really wonder, if I didn’t love so much and so deep then life would be much easier at times. But this is not the case and if there was ever a recall on it, I missed getting it all corrected, this is how I am and how I will always be. Not many has it ever been offered, I am kind of stingy with whom I choose to share it with, but it seems that my choices have not been so wise. Maybe I can blame it off on being blonde, that works with other… well none the less, so goes life, no one ever promised it to be easy or fair. If I ever done anything the easy way, I’m not sure I would know how to react.

Well in other news, I have learned that there is going to be a birthday party for a gentleman down at camp shagbark tonight. This is a lovely little place. Its on private land way down in BFE just south of the red river. Any and all are invited to share in the celebrations that take place down there…if you want to pitch a tent for a day or two you are more than welcome. They have a party barn and have a blues jam every month with live bands and just anyone that feels froggy enough to play. The music is awesome and the people have always been very nice. Its basically a bunch of bikers, but all I have had dealings with have been great people. My dear friends Terrie -aka biker nana and Cliffy said they might go down and see what all is going on. If they do, I may load up and ride down with them, its got to be better than setting here alone all night. So you all take care and have a great weekend, mine is sure to get better.

Cant forget my thought of the day:

The really happy person is
The one who can enjoy the
Scenery while on a detour.

May God bless and keep you safe in your endeavors.

Gem ;)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Dear Lord, I pray that You show me the way one day

Well this has been the longest fucking week of my entire life I think. Work has been hell, I have had almost no sleep in the last few days, literally like less than 12 hrs since I got up Tuesday morning at 5 am and now it is Friday night at 930 pm. Oh well its just sleep. What sucks about it all, I feel like I have lost my best friend and my dog all at the same time. I keep getting assured its ok and I’m fine, but that’s not how my heart is feeling tonight. The weekend is going to be about as long as my week has been I’m afraid. My boy has not been home all week and now this is his dads weekend and I get to spend it alone, joy joy. If anyone can explain why I put myself through this, what seems like a living hell at times, please feel free to share it with me. Well anyway I have been reading through some old poetry that I’ve managed to collect over the years. Anyone that knows me, knows this is a way for me to deal with feelings and emotions I have. I ran across a poem that an old friend sent me back many moons ago that kind of touched a nerve tonight so I thought I might as well share it with you all.

The author is a gentleman by the name of Edward and it is an untitled poem.

I am not lonely
I am alone
I don’t know if this is enlightenment
Perhaps I have grown
Brick after brick I stack making a wall
Safety from paths and people that lead no where at all
Someone once said to thy self be true
So I Build a wall around me it’s all I can do
Shelter a refuge a safe place in the storm
Alone behind my wall is the only place I find warm
Many will try to brake through this wall
The batter rams and Trojan horses will have no luck at all
Mr. Right or Mr. Right now it will end the same way
Just temporary never here to stay
No hearts ache or hurt feelings
Just numbness sweet bliss
Don’t take it personal if I seem cold to you
Its not you it’s me just me building a wall
It’s all I can do

God bless

Gem :(

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

just a little poem

By Gem

To thee I give my undivided attention
Waiting for words that you seem to never mention.

All I ask for is a little of your time
Making me feel like asking is a crime

Why do I put myself through such torment
Praying daily I can once again be content

I guess it’s the impossible dream that one day I will be loved
Must be to much I’m asking of.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A long week ahead

Well what can I say other than it was a totally fucked up day. I worked all day and now I’m going to go back in tonight and start my over night shift. I have lots of work to get done and need to do it on nights and this way I will not lose any hours and will get a three day weekend…it will all be good in the end. Now if only I understood my personal life as well as I did my work life, l would have it whipped. But as long as I choose the path that I do, I will never understand it. Its my choice and I can only pray that one day it will all pay off for me. I know it can be the best thing that has ever happened to me, so for me its worth the risk that I take…
Well I have to get around and start my night…

My original thought of the day:

Dare to dream,
Follow your heart
And set your self free.

Out to my “tumbling dice”

God bless

Gem ;)

Monday, October 16, 2006

dead trees and a wonderful sunday

Good evening fine folks, it seems that I’ve been away for a while but actually just a little busy. On Friday my uncle and cousin cut down a big pine tree that had got struck by lightning back in October of last year. It finally died and something had to be done with it before it came down on top of my house. I might bitch and moan about my uncle from time to time, but he has really been great to me. When my dad passed away several years back, uncle bruce kind of stepped in and would help anytime he could. My boyfriend at the time was around so he took care of a lot of things for me also. Well since I’ve been single for the past year and a half, uncle bruce has really stepped up and done a lot of stuff for me that I wasn’t able to do. I try to take care of anything I can figure out and anything I’m big enough to do myself, but that isn’t always enough. Well I’m sure thankful for him and all of his help, he is a pain in the ass, but I love him none the less. Well after the tree was cut down it made one hell of a mess.

This is a picture of it and of course the man of the house, such a little shit but don’t know what I would do without him. Anyway when I got home from work on Friday, we had the little project of cleaning this mess up. It actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. We would stack the limbs in a pile and bruce would drag them with the tractor out to an old dried up pond that I use for all my brush. Figure sometime this winter we will have one hell of a bomb We worked on that and then getting some more brush gathered up around here and taken off until dark and then went over to his house. He had a little project that also needed attending to, so I was there to help him. Not really the muscle he was looking for to help, but we got it done and no one lost an arm or leg so I feel like it was pretty We went down and hooked on to the bailer and brought it to the shop. He had two rollers that was bent so we had to pull them so he could have them machined. It took a little while to get them pulled, but we got it taken care of and all was good.
Saturday wasn’t to exciting, talked to my baby most of the morning then went to town and met my friend and her husband and had lunch. Went and bought me a little mum and some pansies to plant in an old wash tub I’ve been meaning to do something with now forever. Got them all fixed up and they actually look pretty good considering.

Just a little picture to show all my one or two readers and stray passer by my little flower garden…

Sunday morning I got up bright and early and headed to Ada for my weekly dose of Its starting to become a habit, not sure if it’s a good thing or not, but I know I sure do like it either way. We had planned on going into the city to go shooting so I took my little gun with me this time. I had promised that I would let him play with “mine” since he always lets me play with “his” seemed only fair don’t you think…. Well we pretty much swam into the city, but I’m not complaining by no means, it was much needed rain.
We got in and got our firing lane and unpacked our stuff. He brought “MY” ar-15 this time and the old faithful little glock that a person can’t help but love. And then I come dragging out my ruger .357 Blackhawk. Its not a bad little gun at all, I really like it anyway. It’s a three screw which means it’s an older model gun. The three screw model was produced from 1955 to 1966.
Well of all the times I have shot and gone shooting with Tony, I think this was the worst shooting I’ve ever done. Tony put me to shame this time, but there is always a next time. The targets we got was not real good for distance shooting, it was really hard to see what we was shooting at considering he is an old man…lol.. and I’m half ass blind I guess we didn’t do bad all and all. We managed to hit our target every time which is more than I can say for some of the folks up there. We had a really good day, but cant say we have ever had a bad day together. We made our way back into Ada and messed around town for a bit. Ended up going to hastings to replace some CD’s that seemed to grow legs and walk off while he was having his house remodeled. While we was in there, we ran into his son and his sons girl friend. Was the first time I had ever met them. Anthony was nothing like what I had imagined. Not sure why, he looks just like his daddy and he sure cant deny his daughter either. They seem like really good kids. I’ve never been around Anthony but he appears to be a nice young man. From what I have saw, Tony has done a very fine job of raising his kids. Nicole just cracks me up, she is a typical teenage girl but seems to have a really great personality, you can’t help but smile and laugh when she is around. Bless her heart, I don’t think she ever stops talking….lol… well anyway as you can see, I had another wonderful weekend. Oh and I managed to get my little fat fingers on a couple of CD’s that Tony and his friends recorded a while back. The band sounds really good, wish I would have been able to see them play live. Maybe one day I will talk him into getting back in church and playing a little. Music is one of his strongest passions and a wonderful way for him to express himself. The daily grind of work and life has made him put it on a back burner it seems. I would really love to see him relax and enjoy the music like he has in the past, it would be good for him. Well I guess I am on the verge of going over board on this posting, I think I would type forever if I didn’t watch what I was doing.
Well my blog would not be complete without a quote of the day or a poem. I had the makings of a very promising poem in my head at about 2:30 this morning when I woke up, but I went back to sleep and failed to write down what I had, and I let it slip through my fingers. So another day and another time I will share an original poem, just not today.

Thought of the day:

I don’t make you feel special,
I just remind you that you are special.

Sending all my love out to my “tumbling dice”. Thank you for such a wonderful day, our time together is always appreciated and treasured by my heart.

“The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched,
They must be felt with the heart….”

God bless

Gem ;)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My little archer

Well nothing is happening tonight, but I was able to get a couple of pictures this evening that I want to share with you all.

blake, 12 yrs old shooting his first compound bow. its a browning with a 25 inch draw set on 50 lbs.

even mom got to play

Keep life simple,
Do your best,
and God will see
to all the rest!

Gem ;)

Happy "hump" day!!

Well guess what today is boys and girls, today is officially hump day once again. Nothing to report on in my tremendously exciting life this morning. If I was any more exciting I really don’t think I could live with myself. But hey, its not all bad I’m content. One thing new in my surroundings, my son has a new bow. Have to admit I’m really proud of his daddy. Blake has been wanting a bow for a couple of years now and his dad took him last weekend and got him all set up. Bought him a new Browning and some carbon arrows. Of course we are still only practicing with field tips, but he is doing really well. He seems to kind of take to things naturally and don’t have to work real hard at it. He is 12 yrs old and makes straight A’s in school, he plays baseball and basketball. He is no superstar on the basketball court, but can hold his own on the baseball field. He is also a decent shot with a gun. He killed his first deer last year with his rifle. It was a nice little buck, 9 point and dressed out a little more than 100 lbs. he shot it at 60 yards and the shot was dead on. Now he has picked up this bow and is doing very well with it. If you couldn’t tell, momma is kind of proud of her little man. Ill try and get around today and get some pictures of him shooting his bow and post for my whole 1 or 2 Well I better finish getting ready for work and get my day started. I hope you all have a wonderful “hump” day and be safe in your ventures..

Thought of the day:

Angels are with you
Every step of the way
And help you soar….
With amazing grace

And as always, sending my love out to my “tumbling dice” in my mind and imbedded in my heart, always thinking of you my dear sweetheart.

God bless

Gem ;)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekend of work and play

Well the weekend came and flew by and now its already Monday morning. I had an incredible weekend. I went up and saw my “tumbling dice” Saturday morning. I met him and his daughter in town and we had brunch I guess you could say. Then done a couple of things in town before we went to the house. Once we got back to the house I got a true treat, witnessed my favorite bass player dabble around with his guitar. It just amazes me how it all works and how good it sounds.. Ended up getting around and going to one of his friends house to a football party. It was pretty neat, they seem like really wonderful people and the party would have been awesome if we had all been Texas But as it so happens we were in sooner land and the celebration was not to grand, but none the less it was interesting. Well after the game we drove around a little and finally made our way back into town and stopped and had dinner before we went back to the house and crashed. After a few beers and a full belly, what better thing to do . This might not sound like anything to special to all of you, but I couldn’t ask for anything better, just spending time with him is great for me, it don’t matter if we are doing anything of any importance or not. Well I had to get up and around early Sunday morning and head back south. It was a beautiful morning and a very peaceful drive back home. I got my boy gathered up and then headed to my moms for the day. Me and my sister laid some wood flooring in one of her bedrooms. I think we done a really great job, did not make a wrong cut on anything. I just love doing stuff like this, it gives me such a sense of accomplishment. I was fortunate enough to be raised in an environment where anything was possible if you put your mind to it. This was something that a lot of women would have never even considered tackling , but me and Cindy jumped in the middle of it with no fear and done a really great job. I sure hope daddy was up above watching us and feeling oh so proud of what good women his girls have turned into. Well guess I should get around and get my day started. Lots of work ahead of me for the week.

Now would my blog be complete if I didn’t post the Thought of the Day:

We are, each of us,
Angels with one wing.
And we can fly only
By embracing each other.

Out with all my love to Tony, thank you for such a wonderful weekend.

May God bless you all

Gem ;)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Great friends

Just wanted to stop in and say happy HNT to everyone. Not sure if I will be posting anymore HNT photos or not but I do have one photo to post today. Its very poor quality but the only one that got taken so its this or This was taken at the skynyrd concert this past weekend. Was with who is becoming my concert In the photo I am to the far left, my friend Debbie is in the center and then biker nana herself, terrie to the right and I cant leave out the one and only cliffy operating the camera. Bless his heart, he never makes it into our pictures but I've never heard him complain about it either. They are great friends, “love you guys :x”

Thought of the day:

Friendship is the thread that ties all hearts together.

May God bless you all and keep you safe.
sending all my love out to my “tumbling dice”

Gem ;)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I am greatful

Well we have made it half way through one more week, on the down hill slide as we speak. The day was fine and the night always a true pleasure when it is can be shared with my best friend in the whole world.
If any of you ever actually read my blogs and have been following them what so ever, you will see that I regularly speak of my “tumbling dice”. well tonight I thought I would share a little more information about this “rank outsider”. anyone that has ever talked to me any at all knows this man all so well. He came into my life just a little over two yrs ago now. The first time we chatted, he told me that one day I would be his, at the time I thought basically he was just crazy and full of shit. Well days went by and we seemed to end up talking pretty much daily. I was going through a very difficult time in my life, the man I was sure I would spend the rest of my life with was pretty much screwing me , and I didn’t even enjoy it. So my “tumbling dice” seemed to always be there when I was down and when I was blue, he was just about the only constant I had in my life at the time. Lord only knows at the nights he set with me while I cried cause my heart hurt so bad, but he never judged, he was there to comfort and did such a wonderful job. As time passed our bond seemed to grow even stronger. I had the opportunity a few nights to be the confidant and you cant imagine the honor I felt in being able to let him lean on me in time of need. He always supported my haywire decisions while I was in my relationship with my ex bf. I finally got my fill of being used and decided to end the 5 ½ yr relationship that I was in. this of course is the times in a persons life when they need the most support and love from friends and family, and like always before he was there for me. We had never met in person, but I knew he was my best friend. I would have times of weakness and times I didn’t think it was worth the pain of breaking up, he helped me keep sight of everything that had taken place in the past and helped me keep my head on as straight as possible during that time in my life. Well when my life settled down just a little and he felt like I was learning some patience, which took me a very long time…lol…he finally gave me the opportunity to meet him. It was just as great as I had thought it would have been. He was the one that introduced me to the world of the blues. How I managed to go 30+ yrs and miss out on such wonderful music is beyond me. Our first date ended up being a tip to OKC to a blues festival on June 3, 2005. don’t get me wrong, its not been all peaches and cream for us, we have had our share of ups and downs ourselves and I’m sure we will have many many more trials and tribulations in the future. But this is the man that holds my heart and has for quite some time now. And like he told me the first time we spoke, I am his; heart, body and soul. Well now that you all have had a glimpse into the past 2 yrs of my life I see it only fitting to let everyone know who my “tumbling dice” is. For one, he is the person you can all thank for getting me in the habit of starting most of my sentences with the word well…lol.. You should see our chats, its insane Ok anyway I would like to formally introduce Tony to all of my blogger friends…a great man, a wonderful father and my very best friend in the whole world, I am so fortunate to have met you. Thank you for everything you have done for me.
With this I want to post a little poem that I ran across.

I am Grateful

My heart has met a man
He walks in darkness but is surrounded by light.

He wants to control me....
posses me....
know me...
own me....
and i let Him in.

Into this little world i call myself.
He is there pushing me
to limits i never knew i had.

Tying down my soul...
tasting my most innocent parts...
making Himself known to all my most private places.

Places where i myself don't dare go.
i am ashamed
and humbled
finally given freedom.

Then the pleasure comes.
Like a tidal wave across my brain...
i refuse to see it...
but the taste is there.

It lingers...filling my mind....
with all the memories of times before.
When hate was the key......
and pleasure never known.

He erases all the fear
replacing it with understanding.
i give all i have..

i am grateful...
owing my pleasure only to Him.
i am begging for more.

Because on my knees is where i long to be....
now and forever....
i am grateful to Him.

May God bless you all

“let all you do be done in love”
-1 Corinthians 16:14

Gem ;)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

.38 special and lynyrd skynyrd "real" rock and roll

Well the day seems to be winding down. Its been a really long day once again. I woke up with a bad headache, have been fighting it since about Thursday of last week. It let up a little after noon I guess and I was able to get some stuff done around the house. But once I got to feeling better today it was time to take care of a little unattended business and of course a “catnap” always follows…lol..
Well I uploaded my concert pictures and figured I would share a couple of them with you all. The concert was awesome, just wish I had felt a little better so I could have enjoyed it more. We was only able to get general admission tickets but knew if we got there in line early enough that we could get some really good seats. Well we was told the doors open at 6 so my friends Terrie and Clifton got there about 2 I guess and I was there by 330. The line didn’t start to form until around 5 so needless to say we was at the front. The doors didn’t open until like 630 but we made our way in and got the best seats available to us. We heard the concert had sold out a week after the box office had opened so I was excited we got our tickets. Well guess I’ve bored you all enough for the day so I will post a couple pictures from the concert and bid you all farewell.

this is a shot of .38 special, they put on a great show

this was when skynyrd was performing sweet home alabama, the crowd went nuts and the back drop was awesome,wish I could have got a better shot of it.

and this was skynyrd doing freebird, it was breath takeing, wish you all could have saw it.

and last but not least, the thought of the day:

"A fair face may fade, but a beautiful soal lasts forever."

sending all my love out to my "tumbling dice"

God bless you all

Gem ;)

Monday, October 02, 2006

To my "tumbling dice"

The concert was awesome this weekend, I will post more about it and maybe a picture or two later today or tomorrow
But right now I want to share a little poem I’ve written and send my love out to my “tumbling dice”

You know this was written in thought of you, never question my love for you

The missing link
By Gem

He is all the man I could ever ask him to be
He brings feelings out that everyone can see
I try to question why his spirit can set me free
But the only answer I get is its meant to be.

Into my world he stepped, one quiet little man
Bringing to me treasures no one else can
gifts that no money can buy
riches that only his heart can provide.

He was sent to me from above
To the I profess my never dieing love
As I cling to a heart I’m no longer sure I’m worthy of

Please don’t be sad, please don’t be blue
The love I have is meant only for you

I may stumble and get off track
But to you I have always came back

You are my comfort, you are my rock
In your shadow I wish to always walk

Always together, always in sink
Let me be your one missing link

God bless

Gem ;)