
A simple country girl with a different way of thinking at times. never be suprised at what comes from me.

Location: hugo, oklahoma, United States

Im a simple country girl that is a bit nontypical

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Unwanted freedom

The raft
By gem

A raft on the raging sea of life
tossed to and fro from the storms
always rebounding and topping the waves
plunging into the depths as it transforms,
as the sea reshapes a raft
time shall reform a heart
may it shine so bright
be so true
as life given anew.
pray that God may tether
in the midst of stormy weather
a heart so blue.

Well tonight brings one more of my many ups and downs that pass through my life as unwanted freedom has been handed to me. I guess this is not a true statement for I never belonged like I once thought I did. So set adrift, I float waiting for the next storm to pass through. But the raft is becoming weathered and ragged from the many storms and not sure how much more of the raging sea it can withstand. As my faith in being seems to lesson more and more with each passing day I do still pray that one day my captain will surface and guide me to calmer waters and mend some of the damage. Only so many things can be repaired as time takes its toll. Everything in life happens for a reason, somewhere in this all, I have saw a new light or I have learned one of life’s many lessons. No matter how futile your efforts seem and how much time appears to have been wasted, it all has a purpose. If you don’t reap what you sew in your life time, rest assure that any good deed done at least made the world a better place for one brief moment.

God bless

Gem ;)

Monday, January 29, 2007

a moment

Well here we are, its Monday night and all is quiet. I guess that’s not a bad thing but as I often tend to do, this has been a night full of thought. The lovely part is, with thought comes question and anytime I start to question it never fails confusion will always manifest. I know that life can not be as complicated as what I seem to make it most of the time.
I know I have shared this poem before but I ran across it tonight and thought I would post it again….

A Moment
by Purity Corrupted ©

For a moment I was the blessed one.
I was the aim of his yearnings,
And I revealed as the focus of his attention.
I was the object of his desire.

For a moment I was the hunted.
The blood of his prey was on his lips,
And I lay wounded before him.
Vulnerable to the killing strike

For a moment I was his.
Wounded and waiting for my little death.
La Petite Mort.
He left. And I died.

Gem ;)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Always be grateful

Well the week has been very uneventful as basically my life tends to be. This is not always a bad thing, its nice sometimes to just kind of coast along. I have been really neglecting my blog lately but when I’m happy and content then it seems like I have very little to say. I’m sure most of you view me as a very negative person but it just seems to be thats the only time I really want to write is when something is on my mind or bothering me.
This morning I would like everyone who reads this to take a moment out of there day and stop everything they are doing and give a moment of thought for all the cancer victims and there families who have won the fight against cancer as well as the ones who did not triumph over it. Services will be held today for a young lady in Ada that was not so lucky, or maybe she was. She had to be taken to the emergency room last week and her husband found out he would not bring her home alive. Please send a prayer out to this family and there loved ones in this difficult time and if you do nothing else today, let your loved ones know how much they mean to you. We never know when the lord will call upon us. I know I have wrote about this in the past and I’m sure sometimes it seems like I’m beating a dead horse, but this is very important to me. I have many loved ones whom I am sure I don’t tell often enough that I do love them. So take just a second and think about your family and loved ones and be grateful that they are there with you in times of need. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have that in there life.
On a lighter note I would like to share a little joke. Everyone has probably already saw it, that seems to normally be the case when I want to show a joke to someone. Anyway if you have then here it is again, if not then may it tickle your funny bone..

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house
it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a card and wrote: "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his
card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message:"Genesis 3:10." Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.

Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."

Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid
for I was naked."

Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones? They still are!

Well I am fortunate enough to get to spend some time with “tumbling dice” this weekend, so I’m looking forward to that as always. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend. Remember to remember your loved ones and try not to take so much for granted.
May God bless you all

Thought of the day:

Cast the gift of a
Lovely thought into
The heart of a friend.

And as always I send my love out to my best friend and lover, “may your day be kind and true and remember that I will always love you.”

Gem ;)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

For The

So many things to say but the words just don’t seem to be there. The day has basically sucked. The boys made it to the finals in the tournament tonight and they ended up getting beat. I really felt sorry for them, they played really hard but the officials left something to be desired in the over time quarter. Oh well its only a game, maybe next time. Second place is nothing to hang your head about.
Well tonight it seems I have lost my very best friend. To The I beg forgiveness for a crime that I did not commit.

For The
by Gem

For The I would jump through hoops for the love I know is there
But tonight my heart breaks in tragic despere.

For The I have given my heart, body and soul
All I ever dreamed is for our spirits to live as a whole

For The I profess my never dieing love
To only be told His I am not worthy of

So I hang my head in total disgrace
For I know it is me He will soon replace

What can I say, what can I do
To show The my love is true

For The I would stop the hands of time
If I could be his partner in crime

But tonight my love has been forsaken
For my life feels as if it has been taken

My God bless you all

Gem ;(

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

As I continue on my way

Well it seems that it is bed time, however I happened upon an essay by a lady that really caught my attention tonight. In most of my adult life I have struggled with many things, ranging from relationships to who I am.
Well at the ripe old age of 33 I seem to be coming to terms with many of my struggles in the past. most have been self inflected I have to admit, but many have been simply because there are so many things about myself that I don’t always understand. Anyone that knows anything about me or has ever spent anytime at all talking to me realizes that my ability to over analyze the most simple things are an uncanny trade mark of mine. Well this has been true the majority of my life for the simple fact I have this uncontrolled desire to understand. And on the same hand I have about as much desire for others to understand me. Through the wide world web, www as we all know it so well, I have had the opportunity to be exposed to many things. One of which is my best friend in the world, Tony aka “tumbling dice”. We have had our share of ups and downs and I’m sure will have as long as we know one another. We are both about as stubborn as a person can be but with that brings out the determination I have within me. I do view myself as a very strong willed dedicated woman. I have my values and I have my morals. I was raised in a very structured home and was taught to always act as a lady should. Well I have my moments like everyone does, I am only human but I do strive to be the best that I can be. Once upon a time I thought this was the competitive nature of me coming out, I have always been the one that wanted to be the best at anything I do. Well this I am learning is just part of being a strong willed person and part of who and what I am. As time goes by and as I read more and more I am learning that there are reasons for my thoughts, for my actions and feelings. I do feel like one reason I have failed in both of my relationships is because I was not in my place. I feel everyone has a role in life and when you step out of that, you are just making waves that don’t need to exist. Everyone has there own thoughts and opinions just as I do. One of the wonderful things about living in America is the ability to share these thoughts and views with anyone that wants to listen. With that thought in mind, please pray for our men and woman who risk there life every hour, every day of the year to keep our freedom going strong. If it wasn’t for men and women like this, we could be setting under a government where we had no rights or freedoms at all. I’m not going to go into any political views, just please stand strong and support the ones who support us. Ok now let me get back on track, another one of my lovely traits, I tend to get side tracked from time to time. Well I guess this post doesn’t really amount to a hill of beans tonight, just some thoughts that are on my mind. I would however like to share with you the essay that seemed to kick my mind into overdrive tonight. I’m not saying these views are right or wrong, I’m just saying that I have never related to anything so closely as I do to this particular topic. A lot of people don’t understand it and don’t have any desire to even attempt to. Those who read and can relate do understand where I come from when I say this is a wonderful writing. So often my biggest question is Why but I can read this and go, aw this does bring things into perspective. I hope anyone that reads this will with an open mind and understand what it truly means.

Inspiring the Submissive Response
By Dani Benjamin

It has been said that the submissive yearns to please, but for me it is not that simple.
Being submissive is about a need for control and structure. It's about surrendering to a will that is stronger than my own. Let's face it, if all it took were a drive to be pleasing, every person on the planet would fall under that label. The desire to please the one you love is as natural as breathing.
I am a very strong woman. The man who has what it takes to inspire my submission is rare. And it is inspired. Submission cannot be demanded or forced. Any man bigger than you can push you to your knees and command you to serve. That doesn't make him a Dominant, it only makes him a bully.
But every once in a while, I meet a man who is so "comfortable in his own skin," so confident and sure of his own power, that just meeting his eyes can rock me to my core. His strength, and the responsible way he wields that power inspires my submission. Any physically strong man can force a woman to serve, a Dominant has what it takes to inspire in her the desire, the need to serve him.
What is it that draws me to such men? Well, one part of it is trust. He inspires faith in me that he will protect me from the world and myself. Within the circle of his strength, I am safe to allow my own self-protective walls to drop and celebrate the soft, vulnerable female that I am. I am also safe to release the primal sexual beast that exists within me, knowing that he is knowledgeable and responsible enough to keep me from damaging myself when my own control is surrendered. He can take me to the heights of sensation and push me over the edge because I trust him to be there to catch me every time.
The other part of it is that this type of man pushes me to be my personal best. He will not accept laziness or complacency. While he knows and accepts that I am not perfect, he does expect me to give 100% to everything I do. Whether I am accepting pain, controlling orgasm or writing a report for work, nothing less than my best effort is acceptable to him. He pushes me and I push myself to be a better person for him.
The relationship between a Dominant and a submissive is much like that of an athlete and an exceptional coach. I trust that he knows better than I what I am capable of. Then, when he pushes me beyond what I believe my limits are, and I reach that goal... the rush is indescribable. I am filled with a surge of power. This is the "Power Exchange." It is not one-sided. We surrender power and receive it in a constant flow between Dominant and submissive.
I have known what it is to be a submissive woman all of my adult life. In that time, I have been blessed to know and enjoy close relationships with several such remarkable men. Given too much autonomy, I feel myself rapidly spinning out of control. Without that firm hand on my reigns, I begin to feel adrift and lost. It only takes a few moments in the presence of one such Dominant to bring me back to earth where I am centered and grounded. Anchored by his control, I am free to spread my wings and fly.
The stronger the woman, the more deeply submissive the woman, the stronger the man must be to inspire it. It takes two to tango and in my opinion, submission is a reaction to the expression of power by a stronger will. That submission isn't available to every Tom, Dick and Harry that struts into view. Most men I wouldn't darn a sock for. But those rare few who are stronger than myself, who express that strength and power in a deliberate and responsible way... well there's not much I wouldn't do for those men.
That's the reason I have stressed "responsible use of power" here. When in the presence of such men, I am vulnerable and often helpless to say "No." That can put a woman in extreme danger if the Dominant is not mature enough to handle the power he commands.
What do I look for in a Dominant?
Maturity: He needs to be mature enough to be in control of himself and his own life.
Accountability: He needs to be aware of the power that he holds and accept the responsibility that comes with exercising that power.
Experience: He needs to be knowledgeable enough to use that power without doing damage.
Responsibility: He needs to be willing to take responsibility for another person.
Self-Assurance: He needs to be confident and careful in his decisions, knowing they impact not only him but also another.
Humility: He needs to be big enough and honest enough to admit when he is wrong.
I don't expect a Dominant to be perfect. I do expect him to strive to be the best he can be. In this lifestyle we continually walk the line between control and abuse. It is a delicate and precarious balance. I trust him to "spot" me as I maintain that balance and to be there, should I fall.
No, these men I speak of are not perfect. I have seen them express their questions, concerns and even their vulnerabilities to me. They are men, with all the faults and foibles that humanity bestows on us.
But they are far from ordinary.

With these thoughts in mind I will bring my night to an end

Thought of the day:

Little deeds of kindness.
Little words of love.
Help to make earth happy
Like the heaven above

May God bless you all

And to You, may You be my shepherd and watch over me, keep me in tune like the fine instrument I am. Rare in form but true in spirit knowing that my place is where you keep me warm. Loves…..

Gem ;)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Thank You

Thank You
by Gem

To The I convey my love
Of days past and days to come
To my world you bring such delight
You ignite my spirit with all your incite
My heart has never known anyone so benevolent
My body has never felt so gratified
Wrapped in your gracious embrace
Looking upon your intent face
Knowing this is my true place
In your mastery is where I find serenity
You have shown me my true identity
Thank you for your patience
In granting me the chance to grow
Into the woman you know is within.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

One more day, one more post

Finally the week is winding down. Sometimes it seems we just wish our life away waiting for the weekend of some special event. It seems like the week has gone by so slowly, but I have to admit it has been a productive week. Work has been good for the most part and me and my friend Debbie have put a few miles under out belt this week. I’m doing a lot better with getting back on track with my eating but it is still a super struggle for me daily. I have come to far to slide back into old habits and gain my weight back.
Well Debbie took her mom back to the doctor today to get the results of the biopsy back. The mass removed from her mom was malignant. Debbie is not dealing with it well at all so I ask you to please keep them in your prayers.
Well I have set here all night trying to write and its not flowing at all tonight…I’m going through with drawl missing “tumbling dice” I notice I tend to do this about this time every week. Well guess I will see if I cant come up with the thought of the day and call it a night

Dream about tomorrow-
But live for today!

May God bless you all and keep you safe

Love you and miss you much Sir

Gem ;)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Road trips and guns

Well I’m setting here eating my dinner, drinking my coffee (I think I’m turning into an old waiting on my favorite man to show his face. I thought I would stop in and say hi to all my like two viewers. I’m actually not really sure why anyone comes back and reads my post anyway, I know they are pretty lame most of the time but none the less, I’m glad someone is interested in what I have to say. We have a ballgame tonight at 8:30, seems kind of late but a tournament is starting and we are in the number one seat so it don’t look like we will have to play a lot as long as we win. Will up date everyone on how they do. Our record stands at 14-1 right now so we will see how tonight affects that.
Just a little report on my weekend. It was very busy, felt like I was on the road more than anything else but it was awesome. Friday me and Blake left from work and went on to Durant to see my mom and spend the night. We got up Saturday morning and went down to bowie texas to a flea market, my mom raises dogs and is thinking about going down there to see how puppies sale. Then we came back through Sherman and of course had to stop at academy sports. I was kind of chomping at the bits, wanting to get back to Durant before it got to late. Had in my head that I might get to go see Mr. “tumbling dice” himself, but needless to say that pretty much feel through. When we finally did get back to Durant I had the pleasure of talking with him. I cant complain, at least I was able to do that. We had a really nice talk and made plans to go to the gun show in OKC on Sunday. We discussed a few other things that was very interesting, always love talks like that. Well I got up bright and early Sunday morning and headed into Ada. Soon as I got there we left out for the city. The gun show was pretty cool. It was a big show and lots of folks was there, but things seems just a little to high. But it just amazes me looking at all the guns and knifes even though I didn’t find anything to buy. After the gun show we went to the range and shot a few rounds. I was totally humiliated after the first couple of clips I went though. I couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn if my life was depending on it. I was like wtf am I doing wrong. Well he got to watching me and moved my hands around a little bit and then things looked up a little. But I was sucking hind tit something bad for a long time, it was awful. He got it corrected and I didn’t feel like such an idiot at least. Well spent the day with Tony, as always it was wonderful, but had to end to soon. I had to get around and go back to Durant and gather my things and my boy up and then head back home. We finally drug in at about 1030 last night, I was so ready to crash in my own bed. Well like I said, the weekend was great just way to short.
Guess I had better get around and get towards the school. Hope the game goes by fast tonight, not really up for basketball, but its life.

Thought of the day:

We are, each of us,
Angels with one wing.
And we can fly only
by embracing each other.

May God bless you all and keep you safe

Love you Sir ^:)^

Gem ;)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Prayers and Memories

Well one more hump day has came and went without a hitch. The day cruised by rather well. Cant complain about anything I suppose. I’m not really in a writing mood tonight but wanted to stop in and tell everyone hi. I want to express my joy about “tumbling dice”, he is making a conscious effort to become a little more healthy. I’m very proud of him for deciding to do so, I don’t really want to plant him any sooner than what God intends, so I hope he keeps up the good work. And I would like for all of you to keep my friend Debbie and her family in your prayers. Her mom is in OKC as I write this waiting to have surgery. They think she might have lunge cancer and they have found a mass on her aorta and they are planning on doing a biopsy on it tonight. Debbie is not dealing with this well at all, I wish I could be there for her, but right now all I can do is keep them in my prayers. My dad passed away from cancer going on 9 years now. It is very hard to believe its been that long. Some days it seems like yesterday and others it seems like its been a life time since I saw him. I know it is a part of the life cycle, but that is not always so comforting. Even now I set and cry when I think about him, I was always daddy’s little girl, or the boy he never just depends on how you look at it I guess. It was a very difficult time in my life when he passed. I guess the hardest thing I had ever been through, so all my love goes out to Debbie, she needs every bit I can give plus.

I would like to share a picture of me, my dad and my sister taken back many many moons ago. One of the only pictures that was ever taken of us together. May he rest in peace, I love you daddy and miss you every day.

“The Lord will bless his people with peace”
-Psalm 29:11

Thought of the day

Wherever you go
Whatever you do…
May the Angels
watch over You.

May God bless you all and keep you safe

Love you Sir

Gem ;)