Bikes,baseball and blues...does life get any better?
Well I’m proud to report that I made it through last week with out falling out. Last Thursday was the all dreaded inventory that I have spoken of a few times in the past month or so. Our numbers came back and we actually done very very well. It has been a very stressful time for me in all areas of my life for the past couple of months. Most of the time I don’t understand even though I strive to so dearly. All I can do is keep telling myself it all happens for a reason and have faith.
Yesterday was a very exciting day for me. I went to a friends house and got to ride my official soon to be motorcycle for the first time. It was so awesome. The first time I had ever driven a bike, only rode on one once before. And with the first time riding I had my first wreck…lol.. Needless to say nothing was broken, just some loss of skin and a few sore muscles and some new color…lol..but its all good. I got up and picked it back up and got on and took off again. I’m sure I will have many more spills before its all said and done with. My friend was watching me and he was like, ok now woman your getting just a little to brave there. It is going to take lots of practice but I know I can do it or die trying. This is something I have been very interested in for a long time, I figure its about time for me to stop setting back watching everyone else and get in the middle of it myself. If God feels it is time to take me then he will no matter what I’m doing. Then yesterday evening I went riding with my uncle for a couple of hours. We was clocking right along and I was thinking, damn it seems like we are going fast, I looked and well he was bouncing between 90 and 95 and I was thinking, ok this would explain why it feels like we are going so fast. It is a total trip and I can understand how it can get into your blood so easily. I just cant wait till I can get out and do my own thing. I am suppose to take my riding class next weekend, but my son informed me that we may have a ballgame in Tulsa this next weekend and if that is the case then I will have to put off my school for another time. Should find out in a couple of days what will be going on and I will take it from there.
I guess I will wrap this up for now. I would like to share with you some lyrics from a very beautiful song. I love music from one end of the spectrum to the other, but my heart seems to always go back to blues. Maybe its more the history behind my discovery of the music I don’t really know. I just know when I hear it, it just feels right if that makes any sense at all. This song is sang by the great BB King. If you have never listened to any of his music I encourage you make a point to hear it and give yourself the opportunity to feel it. This song I want to share is called “Sweet Sixteen”. the lyrics are very moving when read but it don’t mean a thing until you actually listen to the song. This is a song that I have had in my play list now for I figure close to 3 yrs, have listened to it a thousand times I’m sure, but today I actually heard it.
When i first met you, baby
My only question is, who was it directed towards??
May God bless you all and keep you safe
Gem ;)