All Stars!!
Well not just a whole lot to report to my huge fan club I have going on…actually not real sure why anyone even still drops by for a peek in my messed up world..anyway about the only thing exciting going on around here other than the fact I think we can officially say the drought is over and oh by the way, is anyone building a freakin boat around Is that we got a call today and my son has made the all star team. He is absolutely beside himself. Looks like we will be headed to Mississippi for a few days to play ball. This is the beginning of the little league world series. Not sure yet when we go down but I’m probably looking forward to it just about as much as he is. It is a real honor for him to be one of the few picked. I think they normally will pick 12 kids for the team out of all the teams in the league. So needless to say, if there is anyway for that boys head to get any bigger it I’m so proud of him, I will wait until after the games are over to burst his bubble and bring him back to reality. that’s just want mommas are suppose to do. Wish us the best of luck. I will keep “everyone” (I have such a big following..ha ha)posted as to how it all goes. Expect pictures as well, another thing mommas are suppose to do, just kinda part of the job. It will be a great time I’m sure, I cant wait.
Well guess I should bring this to a close. I want to say hi to all my friends, new and old. Hope to get around soon if the rains will let up and put a few miles on our scooters.
God bless
Take care and ride safe
Gem ;)